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Holdrege Public Schools | February 13, 2025

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9-12 Choir Concert Nov. 9

James Reed

CHOIR CONCERT TONIGHT! – On November 9th, the High School Concert Choir and Women’s Choir will present a very brief concert at the Tassel at 7:00 p.m. This will be the only concert for the semester. In an effort to keep singers and patrons safe and healthy, this choir concert will be a ticketed event. Each singer will be allotted 4 tickets to share with their family and friends. Family groups will be socially distanced from one another andmasks will be required by all singers and patrons.
The concert will be kept short and will last no longer than 45 minutes.
Thank you for your continued support of all of the HHS Choirs.
Tonight’s Choir Concert will be live on our Striv channel: